
Showing posts from June, 2022

Interview and Its Types

Interview: Definition, Objectives, Types & Guidelines An  interview  is an answer to know and ascertain how to fit a man to the required job. An interview is beneficial to both the candidate and the organization, for it helps them to grow. What is an Interview? When you split the word  ‘interview’  you get two words,  ‘inter’ and ‘view’ . This roughly translates to ‘ between view ’ or  seeing each other . This means that both the groups involved in an interview get to know about one another. Definition A gentle conversation between two people or more where questions are asked to a person to get the required responses or answers. OR It can be simply defined as the formal meeting between two people where the interviewer asks questions to the interviewee to obtain information. People involved in an interview:  Usually two groups or two individuals sit facing each other in an interview. The person asking questions is the interviewer and the person answering the questions is the intervi